Stellar Album Review by Apollo’s Harp
Stellar Album Review by Apollo’s Harp of ‘Momento Mori’
Momento Mori Awarded ALBUM OF THE YEAR 2024 MMI Awards
Canvas Rebel Interview
“My latest double album has been the most meaningful project I’ve worked on in 2024.”
Buy Tickets! Carpe Diem Album Release Concert! 2nd Nov 2024
Get your tickets now! Album release concert!
Desolate Days: Review by BUZZ Music LA
Interview of Chellcy about the Desolate Days project
Desolate Days: Review by AnR Factory
‘Desolate Days’ from Chellcy Reitsma feat. Edward Mifsud is so relevant in this wild pandemic and we all hope that it ends soon so we can go back to life. This is a lovely song from such a talented duo who fuse so many styles in one to create such beauty.
Desolate Days: Chellcy Interviewed On L-Orizzont
Interview of Chellcy about the Desolate Days project
Desolate Days TOP 20 for 4 Weeks Malta Music Video Charts
Malta’s Top 20 Music Video Chart for 4 weeks straight!!!
Newsbook MT – Interview with Chellcy about Desolate Days
“For me, no other medium can convey the passage of time and the long, lonely, quiet waiting of isolation like the slow and arduous process of stop motion animation. Likewise, no other medium than the timeless and ancient use of dusty, fragile charcoals can express the ephemerality of both human existence and the pandemic isolation experience, ” she says, “Furthermore, the act of teaching myself how to do stop motion animation and learning a new skill while in isolation is also part of our shared quarantine experience.”